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  • News aggregator that runs in Microsoft Outlook. Site features product overview, online tutorial and trial download.
  • NetNewsWire 5.0 now available Posted on Monday, August 26th, 2019 at 2:03 pm. Written by Shawn King. NetNewsWire is an open source RSS reader for Mac.

NetNewsWire 5 是我在 iOS 和 macOS 上都最喜欢的 RSS 阅读器。软件 UI 体现了一款 2020 年发布的 iOS / macOS App 的设计理念,运行非常稳定,开发者宣称登上了 App Store 这一版没有任何会导致 App crash.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Larry from has submitted a much-improved version of the NetNewsWire to script. His version uses the cURL terminal command to post to in the background, so it works without the help of Safari or Firefox. It asks you for your username and password the first time you run the script, then stores it to a preference file thereafter. Furthermore, it includes error handling to alert you if your NetNewsWire headline did not post correctly.
Here's the improved script:

[Update: Larry and I have improved the script even further to fix a bug with the preference file, and to add a prompt to ask you your desired default tags the first time the script is run. If you want to later change your username/password or default tags, just trash the preference file named
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com.larrystaton.toread.txt in your ~/Library/Preferences/
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com.larrystaton.toread.txt in your ~/Library/Preferences/ folder, and it will ask you again for this information the next time the script is run.]

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[Update 2: As Mario pointed out in the comments, the script would get into trouble when the default tag was left completely blank (it would ask for your username/password/default tag every time). The new version of the script avoids this problem by inserting a space after the default tags. I simply changed set tagsString to tags to set tagsString to tags & ' '.]


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Netnewswire 5


Significantly enhanced performance during syncs and refreshes.

When running for the first time, and the user previously used NetNewsWire 3, it will automatically import NetNewsWire 3 subscriptions instead of the defaults for new users.

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You can also import NetNewsWire 3 subscriptions via the new File > Import NNW3 Subscriptions… command.

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Fixed the space bar when running on Catalina. It wouldn't advance to the next unread — now it will. (This was due to a change in JavaScript in Catalina.)

Fixed a crashing bug having to do with async database fetches for the timeline.

Periodically empties the articles cache that was added in 5.0.3b1, so its memory use doesn't just keep expanding.

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